Public Utilities
Water & Sewer
Greensboro Utilities Board
P O Box 546
Greensboro, AL 36744
(334) 624-8448
Payment options: (Account numbers are required to pay online or by phone)
In Person: 1101 Main Street, Greensboro
By Phone: (334) 378-2036
By Mail: My payable to The Utilities Board and mail to P. O. Box 546, Greensboro, AL 36744
Alabama Power Company
Customer Service 1-800-245-2244
Report Power Outage: 1-800-888-2726
Pay Bill:
Black Warrior Electric
Customer Service 1-800-242-2580
Report Power Outage 1-855-462-9362
Quick Pay w/o Signing In:
Ways to Pay:
Natural Gas
Mediacom –
Public Works Department
Aaron Evans
Supervisor Street & Sanitation Departments
(334) 624-8119
Yard Waste Collection
Sweeping, raking, blowing, or placing yard waste not containerized at the curb or along the street is not allowed. Yard waste must be set out for collection on Mondays and Thursdays and may not be set out on other days that are not designated. Grass clippings, leaves, weeds, and other small yard waste materials must be bagged. Yard waste may be placed in the right-of-way (bagged) but not on the street pavement, the gutter, the sidewalk, or a drainage ditch. Placement of such yard waste at the curb or along the right-of-way at any other time or in any other manner violates this ordinance. If such the placement of yard waste occurs, the party responsible for the placement of the yard waste must remove the yard waste from the street, or said party shall be deemed in violation of this article. In addition, the person who places any yard waste in a roadside drainage ditch may be liable for any flooding damage caused by the yard waste. The owner or occupant of a residence or business who authorizes, directs, or allows yard waste to be placed in a drainage ditch on or adjacent to the person’s property also may be liable for any flooding damage caused by the yard waste.
Garbage Collection - Residential
Every person in charge of any residential premises in the City of Greensboro, Alabama, shall be subject to a garbage collection fee of twenty ($20.00) Dollars per month for each residential household in the city limits. Each residential household outside the city limits but within the Police Jurisdiction (PJ) that elects to be provided garbage service shall be charged a fee of Twenty-three ($23.00) Dollars per month. This fee shall be collected along with the water and sewer bill. Garbage collection for residential is once per week. Bag all garbage before placing it in the cart (this prevents litter). Only bags placed inside the garbage cart will be picked up.
Garbage Collection - Commercial
Any person, firm, Corporation, etc., operating a place of business within the city limits MUST have garbage service (either with the city or outside Waste Management Company). If they elect to have the Garbage service with the City of Greensboro, the charge will be twenty ($20) Dollars per cart for each Garbage pick-up weekly. Any person, firm, Corporation, etc. operating a place of business within the Police Jurisdiction (PJ), who has city water may elect to have Garbage service and if elect to have it with the City of Greensboro the cost will be twenty-three ($23) per cart for each pick-up weekly. This fee shall be collected along with the water and sewer bill.
Code Enforcement
Charles Agnew
Code Enforcer
1101 Main Street
Greensboro, AL 36744
(334) 507-6648
The Code Enforcement Services exists to listen and respond to our citizen’s concerns regarding the image, appearance, health, safety, and welfare of the city and its environment. Through a variety of means, we pursue the abatement of nuisances that aggrieve the community by enforcing municipal ordinances. Ultimately it is the goal of the Code Enforcement Department to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare and improve the community’s appearance and image, in our community.
Police Department

Willie Lewis
Interim Police Chief
Greensboro Police Department
1101 Main Street
Greensboro, AL 36744
(334) 624-3902 (24/7) – Non-Emergency Calls
Dial 911 for all Emergencies!
Mission Statement
The Greensboro City Police Department’s goal is to safeguard and improve the quality of life of those we serve. It is our primary purpose is to maintain a secure environment with equal protection under the law for all of our citizens.
Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in a position as a police officer (hiring ongoing) with the Greensboro City Police Department, please complete the employment application and mail it to the Greensboro Police Department at City Hall. The mailing address is 1101 Main Street, Greensboro, AL 36744.
The City of Greensboro is seeking a Police Chief with strong leadership to provide strategic leadership and management of the Greensboro Police Department. The Chief of Police is responsible for planning, overseeing, and directing the department’s activities, operations, and personnel. Minimum qualifications include APOST Certification, possession of a valid Alabama driver’s license, and being a current law enforcement officer with ten years of experience, of which at least five years of supervisory management/administrative experience. Preferred, but not required, possess an Associate, Bachelor, or Master’s degree from an accredited college or university with coursework in police science, criminal justice, public or business administration, or a related field.
Please submit a detail-oriented resume including at least five references to:
City of Greensboro
1101 Main Street
Greensboro, AL 36744
Attention: City Clerk
All resumes must be received by January 31, 2023.

Willie Lewis

Keith Burch
Assistant Chief

Devoris Travis

Eric Wiggins

Patrick Essex

Danny Tucker

Jeremy Blackwood

Jared Johnston

Bailey Crawford
Fire Department

Richard Roberts
Fire Chief
Douglas Roberts
Assistant Fire Chief
Greensboro Police Department
1101 Main Street
Greensboro, AL 36744
(334) 624-3902 (24/7) – Non-Emergency Calls
Dial 911 for all Emergencies!
The Greensboro Volunteer Fire Department meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The Greensboro Fire Station was built in March 2005. The department has approximately 21 volunteer firefighters.
Open burning of any kind is prohibited inside the city limits.
Alabama Forestry Commission
To report forest fires or obtain burning permits only: